The contaminated droplets could deposit virus on various surfaces , such as the floor mat , towels and other bathroom equipment 病毒的水滴散发至浴室内的不同表面,包括地席、毛巾及其他浴室设备。
12 . the contaminated droplets could deposit virus on various surfaces , such as the floor mat , towels and other bathroom equipment 12 .病毒的水滴散发至浴室内的不同表面,包括地席毛巾及其他浴室设备。
Hangzhou meilan sanitary and bathroom equipment ltd . in hangzhou is a professional company that sanitary and bathroom equipment 杭州美兰卫浴洁具有限公司成立于2002年,是一家专业生产卫浴洁具的生产厂家。
Kitchen closet , materials and fittings ; sanitary ware , bathroom equipment and fittings ; kitchen bathroom wall and floor decoration materials and technology 3厨卫装饰用具及设施原材料各类大理石花岗石板岩材料人造石材及制品装饰板材线材地板块木地板人造板实木板木制型材木材制品等
This reflux of air could contain contaminated droplets of sewage present in the soil stack . the contaminated droplets could deposit virus on various surfaces , such as the floor mat , towels and other bathroom equipment 这倒流的空气可能把存于污水管内带病毒的水滴散发至浴室内的不同表面,包括地席、毛巾及其它浴室设备。